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This is the current documentation for ReferralNetwork API

This API documentation page was created with Slate.

There are production and development APIs

1) Dev: Development API (unstable) perfect for testing new features

2) Prod: Live API.


API Keys

For every api request there needs to be two variables passed in. api_key and secret_key. These are generated from the Salesforce API Users Object. Forvthis documentation, we will use

api_key : 6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c

secret_key : 515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92


Every route in this documentation should begin with https://<stage>


If you’d like to run the live api in postman, here is the link Run in Postman



There are a few different types of leads that are based out of this route. There is the simple lead, the affiliate lead, the Selected Agent lead, and the third party lead.

Simple Lead

This is the simplest and easiest one to make. Simply fill in the fields you have, including the required lastname and you’re done.

Affiliate Lead

This lead is more complex than the above. This lead is an extension from the simple lead, and the purpose is to have the ability to associate a lead with the submitter. This can be an agent for Agent2Agent or it can be a third party software that we affiliate with. In Salesforce, this lead will have the associated affiliate connected to it so we can know who we need to pay out and so forth. The way that this information is submitted is through the affiliate field, which can take the 18 character sfid, the agent’s uuid, or, in the case of AgentAssist, it can have the agent’s AgentAssist Email address. Regardless of what gets passed through, if there is an associated agent it will process the lead and if nothing else goes wrong along the process will return a 200, but if there is no contact associated with this field the API will throw a 404 response.

Selected Agent

This type of lead is practically the same as the affiliate above except that this lead is assigned to the agent that submitted it with the selectedAgent field. So what this means is that when the lead is converted it will automatically be assigned to the submitting agent and that this type of lead is primarily used for AgentAssist type leads as opposed to the above which is used for Agent2Agent. All the responses and checks that applied to Affiliate agent leads apply to this, too.


Create Lead

Create Lead

# Call equivalent to leads/create object

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "channelwebsite={picklist}"
-F "city={string}"
-F "contactmethod={picklist}"
-F "email={email}"
-F "hometype={picklist}"
-F "landingpage={url}"
-F "lastname={string}"
-F "leadsource={picklist}"
-F "leadtype={picklist}"
-F "personality={picklist}"
-F "phone={string}"
-F "price={picklist}"
-F "state={string}"
-F "utm_par={url query string}"

Create Lead, Request Object Example

  "api_key": "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key": "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "street": "1431 Pacific Hwy",
  "city": "San Diego",
  "state": "Ca",
  "postalcode": "92101",
  "email": "",
  "firstname": "Buzz",
  "lastname": "aldrin",
  "phone": "(800) 619-1234",
  "bathrooms": "3",
  "bedrooms": "10",
  "contactmethod": "Right Now",
  "leadtype": "Buyer",
  "channelwebsite": "",
  "charity": "charity__c",
  "status": "Pre-Qualified",
  "landingpage": "",
  "price": "Under $200,000",
  "reason": "Relocating",
  "timeframe": "Within 3 months",
  "hometype": "Single Family",
  "utm_par": "&utm_source=Google&utm_account=MAF&...",
  "web_source": "...",
  "leadsource": "MAF Full Address",
  "company": "NASA",
  "buyingAndSelling": false

Create Lead, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": "true",
    "code": 200,
    "leadId": "1401e01b-aa4d-4f4a-882b-dc11ee0209f0"

This route will create a lead in our system. This is probably the most important part of the API

See also:

HTTP Request

POST leads/create

Query Parameters

General Lead Information

Parameter Type Description Required
api_key string Contact Account Administrator for Instructions *
secret_key string Contact Account Administrator for Instructions *
test boolean pass in true is this lead is a test
web_source string Partner’s external Lead ID
leadsource string Contact Account Administrator for Instructions *
channelwebsite string Contact Account Administrator for Instructions *
landingpage url Abbreviated URL for a particular landing page
firstname string
lastname string *
company string
email email *
phone string (###) ###-#### or ########## format *
contactmethod * –Picklist
leadtype * –Picklist
buyingAndSelling boolean True if seller is also buying a new home
hometype * –Picklist Type of home customer would like to purchase or sell
bathrooms integer
bedrooms integer
price * –Picklist
priceAverage currency Average or single value for target price
priceLow currency Bottom end of target price range
priceHigh currency Top end of target price range
timeframe * –Picklist Timeframe customer would like to buy / sell within
buyingStage * –Picklist Alternate field for capturing Buying timeframe
intention * –Picklist Alternate field for capturing Selling timeframe
reason * –Picklist Reason or motiviation for moving
otherAgent * –Picklist Already working with an agent
personality string Customer’s preferred agent skills, experience, etc.
leadcomment string

Location Information

> Buying and Selling - Populate the “Location of Interest” fields with the zip, neighborhood or city they are hoping to buy in; populate the “Current Address” fields with the full address of the home they are looking to sell
> Buyers - Populate “Location of Interest” fields with the most precise information available (zip, neighborhood or city); populate “Current Address” only if they’ve provided the address they’re moving from (i.e. address they’re renting at) during the form
> Sellers - Populate “Location of Interest” and the “Current Address” fields with the full address of the home they are looking to sell
Parameter Type Description Required
street string Location of Interest: Street number and name only
unit string Location of Interest: Unit number for condo, apartment or townhome
city string Location of Interest: City name
state string Location of Interest: Either 2-letter abbreviation of state or full state name
postalcode string Location of Interest: 5-digit Zip code
county string Location of Interest: County of address, zip or city
neighborhood string Location of Interest: Specific neighborhood or part of the city
zillow_url url Location of Interest: Zillow property page
currentlyOwnRent * –Picklist
currentStreet string Current Address: Street number and name only
currentCity string Current Address: City name
currentState string Current Address: Full state name
currentStateCode string Current Address: 2-letter state abbreviation
currentZip string Current Address: 5-digit Zip code

Financing Information

Parameter Type Description Required
status * –Picklist Mortgage pre-approval status (case sensitive)
lender string Name of referring lender, or lender matched in lead path
propertyUse * –Picklist Primary, secondary or investment property
firstHome boolean True if buyer states this is their first time purchasing a home
creditScore * – Picklist Self-reported credit score range
downPayment * – Picklist % of target purchase price they expect to pay in cash
militaryVeteran boolean True if buyer states they are active or retired military
employmentStatus * – Picklist
bankruptcyForeclosure boolean True if buyer states they’ve had a bankruptcy or foreclosure in last 7 years
householdIncome * – Picklist Range of the gross annual household income
maritalStatus * – Picklist
monthlyPayment currency Target all-in monthly mortgage payment
coBorrower boolean True if buyer is applying with a co-borrower

Web Tracking Parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
originUrl url Full URL of the session
utm_par string Full set of UTM parameters from URL string
utm_source string
utm_account string
utm_adgroup string
utm_campaign string
utm_content string
utm_keyword string
device string
devicemodel string
network string
placement string
macthtype string
adposition string
creative string
iloc string Google location of interest (Criteria ID)
ploc string Google physical location (Criteria ID)
gclid string Google Click ID
msclkid string Microsoft Click ID
experimentId string A/B test experience ID

Agent-to-Agent Referral

Parameter Type Description Required
affiliate string Referring agent UUID *
a2a_leadtype * –Picklist Lead or personal referral
timeFrame * –Picklist Last time referring agent spoke with the lead
selectedAgent string Preferred agent match UUID
lead_confidence number min:0 max:100
charity string Agent’s preferred charity

Back to top

* Contact Method Picklist

Right Now

* Lead Type Picklist


* Currently Own Rent Type Picklist


* Channel Website Picklist


* Property Use Picklist

Primary Home
Secondary Home
Rental Property

* Status Picklist

Haven’t Applied Yet
I am in the process of getting pre-approved
Needs introduction to Lender
Cash Buyer

* Price Picklist

Under $50,000
$50,000 - $100,000
$100,000 - $150,000
$150,000 - $200,000
$200,000 - $250,000
$250,000 - $300,000
$300,000 - $400,000
$400,000 - $500,000
$500,000 - $600,000
$600,000 - $800,000
$800,000 - $1,000,000
$1,000,000 - $1,500,000
$1,500,000 - $2,000,000
Over $2,000,000
I’m Not Sure

* Down Payment Picklist

Less than 20%
More than 20%

* Employment Status Picklist

Not Employed
Self Employed

* Buying Stage Picklist

Signed a Purchase Agreement
Offer Pending / Found Property
Buying in 2-6 months
Researching options
Offer currently pending
Next Year
Soon (3-6 months)
Within a Year (6-12 months)
ASAP (0-3 months)

* Intention picklist

Home Equity Loan
Just My Home Value
Cash Offer
ASAP (0-3 months)
Soon (3-6 months)
Within a Year (6-12 months)
Next Year

* Other Agent picklist

Connect with an agent
Already has an agent
Yes, but is not in a contract
Currently Interviewing Agents

* Household Income Picklist

$0 - $25,000
$25,001 - $50,000
$50,001 - $75,000
$75,001 - $100,000
$100,001 - $125,000
$125,001 - $150,000
$150,001 - $175,000
$175,001 - $200,000
$200,001 - $225,000
$225,001 - $250,000
More Than $250,000
Less than $30,000
$30,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $75,000
$75,000 - $100,000
Greater than $100,000

* Marital Status Picklist


* Reason Picklist

Just Browsing
First Time Home Buyer
Investment Properties
Inherited a home
Too many repairs

* Time Frame Picklist

0 - 3 Months
3 - 6 Months
6 - 12 Months
Over 1 Year
I’m not sure

* Home Type Picklist

Single Family
Town Home
Mobile Home
2-4 Units

* Lead Source Picklist

MAF Full Address
MAF Short Address
MAF Home Eval
Charitable Agents
MAF Phone
Salesforce Migration
Agent Science
Madvalorem Phone (Old)
Short Sale Specialist Network
MAF Re-Engage (Floored)

* a2a Lead Type Picklist

Raw Lead
Personal Referral

* Lead Time Frame Picklist

This Week
This Month
This Year
Over a Year Ago

* Credit Score Picklist

Very Good
Very Poor
I’m Not Sure
720 - 739
700 - 719
680 - 699
660 - 679
640 - 659
620 - 639
580 - 619


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
code integer result of the http code
lead_id string uuid v4 to be used in subsequent calls

Back to top - Back to Leads

Create AgentHero Lead


-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "leadsource={string}" # Fixed to 'AgentHero'
-F "company={string}" # Fixed to 'AgentHero'
-F "channelwebsite={string}" # Fixed to ''
-F "landingpage={url}"

AgentHero, Request Object Example

  "api_key": "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key": "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "street": "1431 Pacific Hwy",
  "city": "San Diego",
  "state": "Ca",
  "postalcode": "92101",
  "email": "",
  "firstname": "Buzz",
  "lastname": "aldrin",
  "phone": "(800) 619-1234",
  "bathrooms": "3",
  "bedrooms": "10",
  "contactmethod": "Right Now",
  "leadtype": "Buyer",
  "channelwebsite": "",
  "status": "Pre-Qualified",
  "landingpage": "",
  "price": "Under $200,000",
  "reason": "Relocating",
  "timeframe": "Within 3 months",
  "hometype": "Single Family",
  "utm_par": "...",
  "web_source": "...",
  "leadsource": "AgentHero",
  "company": "AgentHero",
  "personality": "Has lots of experience"

AgentHero, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": "true",
    "code": 200,
    "leadId": "P5koEamne5629pjQXW"

HTTP Request

POST leads/create

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
lastname string required
affiliate 003j0000013ECRE case sensitive // required
leadsource AgentHero case sensitive // required
street string
city string
state string Can be either 2 letter abbreviation or full state name
postalcode string zip code of property
email email email of the lead
firstname string
phone string phone
bathrooms integer
bedrooms integer
contactmethod * –Picklist case sensitive
leadtype * –Picklist case sensitive
channelwebsite * –Picklist case sensitive
status * –Picklist case sensitive
landingpage string url
price * –Picklist case sensitive
reason * –Picklist case sensitive
timeframe * –Picklist case sensitive
hometype * –Picklist case sensitive
web_source string
leadcomment string
utm_source string
utm_account string
utm_adgroup string
utm_campaign string
utm_content string
utm_keyword string
device string
devicemodel string
network string
placement string
macthtype string
adposition string
creative string
company string
personality * –Picklist case sensitive
timeFrame * –Picklist case sensitive // When is this lead from?


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
code integer result of the http code
lead_id string 18 character string to be used in subsequent calls

Back to top - Back to Leads

Update Lead

Update Lead

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}" #required only to update lead auth fields as selectedAgent
-F "lastname={string}" #required
-F "email={email}"
-F "phone={string}"
-F "leadcomment={string}"
-F "selectedAgent={string}" #requires user_session

"" #example leadId

Lead Show Notes, Request Object Example

  "api_key": "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key": "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME",
  "selectedAgent": "003j000000WmToyAAF",
  "lastname": "Tal"

Lead Show Notes, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200

HTTP Request

POST leads/update/:leadId

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
leadId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response

Back to top - Back to Leads


Agents from MyAgentFinder platform.




-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "username={string}"
-F "password={string}"

Access, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "username" : "",
  "password" : "smashing123"

Access, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "user": {
      "first_name": "Avi",
      "last_name": "Tal",
      "phone": "(800) 619-1234",
      "username": "",
      "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
      "type": "agenthero",
      "session_id": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

HTTP Request

POST agents/access

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
username email required // user’s email which is their username
password string required // password.


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user object contains user object
first_name string firstname
last_name string lastname
phone string phone number // not formatted
username email identifying username
uuid string 12 digit unique public identifier
type string type of user, currently either “agents”, “lenders”, “agenthero”
guid string
session_id string session id // JWT format

Back to top

Forgot Password

Forgot Password

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "email={email}"

Forgot Password, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "email" : ""

Forgot Password, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200

After success backend sends an email to the user with a link to the dashboard -> /reset-password page. A Token is generated to allow reset password call.

HTTP Request

POST agents/access/forgot

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
email email required // user’s email which is their username


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code

Back to top

Reset Password

Reset Password

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "email={string}"
-F "password={string}"
-F "password_confirmation={string}" # Needs to match 'password'
-F "token={string}" # Char 64

Reset Password, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "email" : "",
  "password" : "a-password",
  "password_confirmation" : "a-password",
  "token" : "8d1e6c97aef4e264a4fe782289866a5fb44d2db388fe25404152f8e829d9d6a5"

Reset Password, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "user": {
      "first_name": "Matias",
      "last_name": "Velilla",
      "phone": "(223) 633-0333",
      "username": "",
      "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
      "type": "agents",
      "session_id": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

HTTP Request

POST agents/access/reset


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user object contains user object
first_name string firstname
last_name string lastname
phone string phone number
username email identifying username
uuid string 12 digit unique public identifier
type string type of user, currently either “agents” or “lenders”
session_id string session id

Back to top

Get Agent

Get Agent

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
"{agentId}" # agentId = char 12

Get Agent, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92"

Get Agent, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "agent": {
      "firstname": "Mark",
      "lastname": "Kunce",
      "position": "Team Leader",
      "street": "3965 5th Ave.",
      "city": "San Diego",
      "state": "CA",
      "postalcode": "92103",
      "email": "",
      "other_email": "",
      "main_phone": "619-663-7139",
      "mobile": "(619) 957-4969",
      "fax": null,
      "gender": null,
      "facebook_url": null,
      "twitter_url": null,
      "linkedin_url": null,
      "company_name": "Keller Williams San Diego Metro",
      "broker_name": null,
      "license": "CA BRE# 01458113",
      "license_date": "2016-10-11",
      "experience_years": null,
      "transactions": null,
      "description": "....",
      "service_area": null,
      "ss_experience": "...",
      "expertise": null,
      "language": null,
      "certifications": null,
      "other_certifications": "Investment, Short Sale Specialist, Pre-Foreclosure Certification, Certified HAFA Specialist, 2011, 2012 Top KW Cares Donor, 2012 KW Cultural Icon for Southern CA",
      "associations": null,
      "other_associations": "San Diego Association of Realtors, CAR, NAR, United States Veterans in Default Service Board of Advisors",
      "specialties": null,
      "other_specialties": null,
      "agent_type": "Agent",
      "referrals": "Home Buyers, Home Sellers, Short Sales",
      "texting": false,
      "profile_image": "",
      "logo": null,
      "website": "",
      "newsletter": true,
      "featured": true,
      "lat": "32.7491418",
      "lng": "-117.1598261",
      "zillow": null,
      "yelp": null,
      "youtube": null,
      "id": "003j000000WmVQ3AAN",
      "type": "agents"

HTTP Request

POST agents/get/:id

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id Unique 12 digit identifier


Property Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
agent * Object contains agent information
* Agent Object
Namespace Type Description
firstname string
lastname string
position string
street string
city string
state string
postalcode string
email email
other_email email
main_phone phone
mobile phone
fax phone
gender string
facebook_url url
twitter_url url
linkedin_url url
company_name string
broker_name string
license number
license_date date
experience_years number
transactions number
description string
service_area string
ss_experience string
expertise list comma seperated values
language list comma seperated values
certifications string
other_certifications string
associations list comma seperated values
other_associations string
specialties list comma seperated values // only for lenders
other_specialties string only for lenders
agent_type string
referrals list comma seperated values
texting boolean
profile_image url
logo url
website url
newsletter boolean
featured boolean
lat float
lng float
zillow string
yelp string
youtube string
id string the sfid of the user
type string

Back to top

List All by Geolocation

List all geolocation

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "lat={float}"
-F "lng={float}"
-F "nextQuery={integer}" #optional

List all geolocation, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "lat" : "32.715736",
  "lng" : "-117.161087",
  "nextQuery" : "50"

List all geolocation, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "agent": {
      "nextQuery": 50,
      "done": false,
      "records": {
        "0": {
          "title": "Owner",
          "firstname": "Rob",
          "lastname": "Vollmer",
          "brokerage": "Pacific Coast Realty",
          "name": "Rob Vollmer",
          "featured": true,
          "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
          "link": "",
          "picture": "",
          "distance": "67.9697423197232",
          "address": {
            "city": "San Diego",
            "street": "3789 Nimitz Blvd",
            "stateCode": "CA",
            "postalCode": "92107",
            "country": "United States",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "state": "California",
            "latitude": "32.7386734",
            "longitude": "-117.2308757"
        "1": {
          "title": "Broker Owner",
          "firstname": "Adrian",
          "lastname": "Audelo",
          "brokerage": "Costa San Diego Real Estate",
          "name": "Adrian Audelo",
          "featured": true,
          "uuid": "bd5822223557",
          "link": "",
          "picture": "",
          "distance": "69.6092584052642",
          "address": {
            "city": "Chula Vista",
            "street": "355 Third Ave",
            "stateCode": "CA",
            "postalCode": "91910",
            "country": "United States",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "state": "California",
            "latitude": "32.6394716",
            "longitude": "-117.0788617"
        "2": {
          "title": "Broker",
          "firstname": "Marissa",
          "lastname": "Montano",
          "brokerage": "Fit Properties",
          "name": "Marissa Montano",
          "featured": true,
          "uuid": "df5822323967",
          "link": "",
          "picture": "",
          "distance": "70.5789862596694",
          "address": {
            "city": "San Diego",
            "street": "814 Morena Blvd.\n#310",
            "stateCode": "CA",
            "postalCode": "92110",
            "country": "United States",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "state": "California",
            "latitude": "32.7649501",
            "longitude": "-117.1984414"
        "... 51": {}

This route retrieves the 52 nearest agents to a latitude and longitude provided.

HTTP Request

POST agents/all

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
lat float required
lng float required
nextQuery number number of result to skip


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
agent * object contains agents information
* Agent Object
Property Type Description
nextQuery integer To request the next number of results
done boolean if there are more results to request
records * object object of all the agents
* Records Object
Property Type Description
title string
firstname string
lastname string
brokerage string
name string
featured boolean
uuid string
link url public profile url
picture url
distance float distance from lat and lng priovided.
address * object object of the agent’s address
* Address Object
Property Type
city string
street string
stateCode string
postalCode string
country string
countryCode string
state string
latitude float
longitude float

Back to top - Back to Agents

List all by Name

List all by Name

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "name={string}" #case sensitive
-F "nextQuery={integer}" #optional

List all by Name, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "name" : "B",
  "nextQuery" : "50"

List all by Name, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "agent": {
      "nextQuery": 100,
      "done": false,
      "records": {
        "0": {
          "uuid": null,
          "firstname": "Gwen",
          "lastname": "James",
          "name": "Gwen James",
          "brokerage": null,
          "link": null,
          "picture": null,
          "featured": false,
          "address": {
            "city": "Chicago",
            "street": null,
            "stateCode": "IL",
            "postalCode": null,
            "country": "United States",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "state": "Illinois",
            "latitude": "41.8781136",
            "longitude": "-87.6297982"
        "1": {
          "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
          "firstname": "Christine",
          "lastname": "Jordan",
          "name": "Christine Jordan",
          "brokerage": "Peachtree Fine Properties",
          "link": "",
          "picture": "",
          "featured": true,
          "address": {
            "city": "Peachtree City",
            "street": "2011 Commerce Drive",
            "stateCode": "GA",
            "postalCode": "30269",
            "country": "United States",
            "countryCode": "US",
            "state": "Georgia",
            "latitude": "33.4029598",
            "longitude": "-84.5976742"
        "... 49": {}

This route retrieves the 50 agents that match the LIKE query

HTTP Request

POST agents/all/name

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
name string case sensitive
nextQuery number number of result to skip


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
agent * object contains agents information
* Agent Object
Property Type Description
nextQuery integer To request the next number of results
done boolean if there are more results to request
records * object object of all the agents
* Records Object
Property Type Description
title string
firstname string
lastname string
brokerage string
name string
featured boolean
uuid string
link url public profile url
picture url
distance float distance from lat and lng priovided.
address * object object of the agent’s address
* Address Object
Property Type
city string
street string
stateCode string
postalCode string
country string
countryCode string
state string
latitude float
longitude float

Back to top - Back to Agents

Agent Exists

Agent Exists

-F "email={string}"

Agent Exists, Request Object Example

    "email" : ""

Agent Exists, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "user": {
      "email": ""

Agent Exists, 404 Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 404,
    "user": []

Returns true if an agent is registered by the email provided on the request.

HTTP Request

POST agents/exist

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
email email required


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user * object contains user information

* User Object

Property Type
email email

Back to top - Back to Agents

Create Agent

Create Agent

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "email={email}"
-F "first_name={string}"
-F "last_name={string}"
-F "mra={boolean}"
-F "password={string}"
-F "phone={string}"
-F "vendor_type={string}"

Create Agent, Request Object Example

    "first_name" : "Neil",
    "last_name" : "Armstrong",
    "email" : "",
    "password" : "BuzzCanSuckIt!",
    "phone" : "(800) 619-1234",
    "vendor_type" : "Agent",
    "mra" : "true"

Create Agent, AgentHero Request Object Example

    "vendor_type" : "Agent",
    "agenthero" : "true",

Create Agent, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 201,
    "user": {
      "uuid": "80d3b9323d50",
      "guid": "2c6cf884-cb86-11e6-a096-dbac0497e674",
      "first_name": "Joel",
      "last_name": "Abitan",
      "phone": "(223) 633-0333",
      "type": "agenthero",
      "username": "",
      "email": "",
      "session_id": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

Once created, the user is automatically logged in.

The request object is generated on the register form.

Agent Hero register form requires parameter agenthero with true value.

Method supports test parameter with true value for testing purposes.

HTTP Request

POST agents/create

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
first_name string required
last_name string required
email email required
password string required
phone string required
vendor_type picklist required
Broker address string Agent Address
state string Agent State // 2 character code
city string Agent City
zip string Agent Zip Code
mra boolean Agent MRA


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user * object contains user information

* User Object

Property Type Description
uuid string 12 digit public unique identifier
first_name string
last_name string
email email
session_id string to be used for subsequent calls to authenticated routes

Back to top - Back to Agents

Show Info

Show Info

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"

Show Info, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

Show Info, Response Object Main Structure

  "response": {
    "user": {"...":"..."},
    "agent": {
      "affiliate": {
    "team": {
      "data": {

Show Info, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "user": {
    "agent": {
      "position":"Man of the Year",
      "street":"101 W. Broadway",
      "city":"San Diego",
      "main_phone":"(858) 740-7445",
      "mobile":"(619) 829-8226",
      "fax":"(828) 828-8228",
      "company_name":"Joshua Hirsch Company",
      "broker_name":"Ari Tav",
      "expertise":"New Homes",
      "yelp":"yelp id",
          "stageName": "Client",
          "firstName": "Bernie",
          "lastName": "Madrid",
          "buyerSeller": "Buyer",
          "typeOfHome": null,
          "bedrooms": null,
          "bathrooms": null,
          "existingMortgageStatus": null,
          "timeframe": "I'm not sure",
          "currentStatus": "I'm showing this Buyer properties",
          "mls": null,
          "purchasePrice": null,
          "closeOfEscrow": null,
          "salesPrice": null,
          "nextStatusUpdateDate": "2017-02-10",
          "currentStatusNote": "Test",
          "propertyStreet": null,
          "propertyCity": "Las Vegas",
          "propertyState": "Nevada",
          "propertyZip": null,
          "charity": null,
          "leadcomment": null,
          "priceRange": null,
          "phone": "6199293575",
          "oppemail": "",
          "reasonForBuyingSelling": null,
          "updateWithinDays": "30",
          "assignedagent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
          "assignedagentuuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
          "agentContactID": "003j000000WmXoR",
          "agentParseUID": "904082722",
          "assignedDate": "2017-01-03 00:26:40",
          "referralFee": "35",
          "dateSubmitted": "2017-01-03 00:01:22",
          "affiliateOpportunity": null,
          "tentativeClosing": null,
          "reasonFinalCancel": null,
          "referralSource": "successwebsite",
          "sfid": "006j000000WxX4XAAV",
          "id": "b1271414-d14a-11e6-bcd7-13c3a31637d5",
          "estimatedAgentCommission": "6000",
          "estimatedAgent2AgentCommission": "1500",
          "referralFeeQuickbooksLink": null,
          "communicationHistory": "I've had no communication with this client",
          "setUponMLSSearch": true,
          "completedCMA": false,
          "agentologyAcceptReferTemplate": null,
          "leadsource": "",
          "affiliateAgent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
          "affiliateAgentUuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
          "bestContactMethod": null,
          "agentEmail": "",
          "agentWebsite": "",
          "agentPhone": "(619) 829-8226",
          "acceptedDate": "2017-01-03 00:27:06",
          "assignedAgentName": "Avi Tal"
      "affiliate": {
            "city": "San Diego",
            "street": "1431 Pacific Highway",
            "state": "CA",
            "postalcode": "92101",
            "email": "",
            "firstname": "Daniel",
            "lastname": "Holmes",
            "phone": "(503) 032-0202",
            "bathrooms": "12",
            "bedrooms": "12",
            "contactmethod": null,
            "buyerSeller": "Seller",
            "channelwebsite": "",
            "charity": null,
            "status": "Unqualified",
            "landingpage": "",
            "price": "$200,000 - $400,000",
            "reason": null,
            "timeframe": null,
            "hometype": "Land/Lot",
            "leadsource": "Agent2Agent",
            "leadcomment": "Testing this form out to verify the fields needed for email submission",
            "a2aLeadtype": "Raw Lead",
            "affiliate": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
            "affiliateAgentUuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
            "dateSubmitted": "2016-01-06 20:41:33",
            "selectedAgent": null,
            "selectedAgentUuid": null,
            "timeFrame": "This Week",
            "reasonUnqualified": "Company Test",
            "lastAction": "Company Test",
            "sfid": "00Qj000000IsJ1jEAF",
            "gclid": null,
            "id": "581c2461-6a6d-4417-9bee-31c57cc3da44"
            "stageName": "Closed Lost",
            "firstName": "Bernie",
            "lastName": "Madrid",
            "buyerSeller": "Buyer",
            "typeOfHome": null,
            "bedrooms": null,
            "bathrooms": null,
            "existingMortgageStatus": null,
            "timeframe": "I'm not sure",
            "currentStatus": "I'm showing this Buyer properties",
            "mls": null,
            "purchasePrice": null,
            "closeOfEscrow": null,
            "salesPrice": null,
            "nextStatusUpdateDate": "2017-02-10",
            "currentStatusNote": "Test",
            "propertyStreet": null,
            "propertyCity": "Las Vegas",
            "propertyState": "Nevada",
            "propertyZip": null,
            "charity": null,
            "leadcomment": null,
            "priceRange": null,
            "phone": "6199293575",
            "oppemail": "",
            "reasonForBuyingSelling": null,
            "updateWithinDays": "30",
            "assignedagent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
            "assignedagentuuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
            "agentContactID": "003j000000WmXoR",
            "agentParseUID": "904082722",
            "assignedDate": "2017-01-03 00:26:40",
            "referralFee": "35",
            "dateSubmitted": "2017-01-03 00:01:22",
            "affiliateOpportunity": null,
            "tentativeClosing": null,
            "reasonFinalCancel": null,
            "referralSource": "successwebsite",
            "sfid": "006j000000WxX4XAAV",
            "id": "b1271414-d14a-11e6-bcd7-13c3a31637d5",
            "estimatedAgentCommission": "6000",
            "estimatedAgent2AgentCommission": "1500",
            "referralFeeQuickbooksLink": null,
            "communicationHistory": "I've had no communication with this client",
            "setUponMLSSearch": true,
            "completedCMA": false,
            "agentologyAcceptReferTemplate": null,
            "leadsource": "",
            "affiliateAgent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
            "affiliateAgentUuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
            "bestContactMethod": null,
            "agentEmail": "",
            "agentWebsite": "",
            "agentPhone": "(619) 829-8226",
            "acceptedDate": "2017-01-03 00:27:06",
            "assignedAgentName": "Avi Tal"
          "status":"Good Email, Bad Phone",
          "dateSubmitted":"2016-12-19 21:58:24",
          "lastAction":"Email 2",
    "team": {
          "name":"Ryan Fu",
      "data": {
        "id3":[], "id4":[], "idN":[]

HTTP Request

POST agents/show


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user * object –see. contains general user info and authentication
agent * object –see. contains agent information
team * object –see. containing everything pretaining to team members

* User Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
uuid string
email email
session_id string to be used for subsequent calls
type string

* Agent Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
firstname string
lastname string
position string
street string
city string
state string
postalcode string
email email
other_email email
main_phone phone
mobile phone
fax phone
gender string
facebook_url url
twitter_url url
linkedin_url url
company_name string
broker_name string
license number
license_date date
experience_years number
transactions number
description string
service_area string
ss_experience string
expertise list comma seperated values
language list comma seperated values
certifications string
other_certifications string
associations list comma seperated values
other_associations string
specialties list comma seperated values
other_specialties string only for lenders
agent_type string
referralTypes list comma seperated values
texting boolean
profile_image url
logo url
website url
newsletter boolean
featured boolean
lat float
lng float
zillow string
yelp string
mra boolean
youtube string
contract_signed boolean
texting boolean
teamCount number
veteran_military_spouse string Only AgentHeros
branch_of_military string Only AgentHeros
pcs integer Only AgentHeros
sfid string
id string the sfid of the user
opportunity * array –see. array of opportunity objects for this user // may be empty
affiliate * object –see. contains two arrays: leads and opportunity
referrals * array –see. referral array with lead information

* Opportunity Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
stageName string
firstName string
lastName string
buyerSeller string
typeOfHome string
bedrooms integer
bathrooms integer
existingMortgageStatus string
timeframe string
currentStatus string
mls string
purchasePrice string
closeOfEscrow string
salesPrice string
nextStatusUpdateDate date
currentStatusNote string
propertyStreet string
propertyCity string
propertyState string
propertyZip string
charity string
leadcomment string
priceRange string
phone phone
oppemail email
reasonForBuyingSelling string
updateWithinDays number
assignedagent string
assignedagentuuid string
agentContactID string sfid
agentParseUID string unique 12 digit public identifier
assignedDate date
referralFee number append percentage sign
dateSubmitted date
affiliateOpportunity number
tentativeClosing string
reasonFinalCancel string
referralSource string
sfid string
id string opportunity sfid
estimatedAgentCommission number the possible commision the listing agent will make
estimatedAgent2AgentCommission number the possible commision the agent referring will make
communicationHistory string
setUponMLSSearch boolean
completedCMA boolean
agentologyAcceptReferTemplate boolean Nullable. True->then send in Accept/Refer. False->then send in Accept/Decline
leadsource string
affiliateAgent 003j000000WmXoRAAV
affiliateAgentUuid char 36
bestContactMethod string
agentEmail email
agentWebsite url
agentPhone string
acceptedDate date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
assignedAgentName string

* Affiliate Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
leads * array –see. all of the affilate leads for this agent // may be empty
opportunity * array –see. all of the affilate oportunities for this agent // may be empty

* Affiliate Lead Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
city string
street string
state string
postalcode string
email email
firstname string
lastname string
phone phone
bathrooms integer
bedrooms integer
contactmethod string
buyerSeller string
channelwebsite string
charity string
status string
landingpage string
price string
reason string
timeframe string
hometype string
leadsource string
leadcomment string
a2aLeadtype string
affiliate string
affiliateAgentUuid char 36
dateSubmitted date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
timeFrame string
reasonUnqualified string
selectedAgent char 18
selectedAgentUuid char 36
lastAction string
sfid char 18
id char 36

* Affiliate Opportunity Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
stageName string
firstName string
lastName string
buyerSeller string
typeOfHome string
bedrooms integer
bathrooms integer
existingMortgageStatus string
timeframe string
currentStatus string
mls string
purchasePrice string
closeOfEscrow string
salesPrice string
nextStatusUpdateDate date
currentStatusNote string
propertyStreet string
propertyCity string
propertyState string
propertyZip string
charity string
leadcomment string
priceRange string
phone phone
oppemail email
reasonForBuyingSelling string
updateWithinDays number
assignedagent string
assignedagentuuid string
agentContactID string sfid
agentParseUID string unique 12 digit public identifier
assignedDate date
referralFee number append percentage sign
dateSubmitted date
affiliateOpportunity number
tentativeClosing string
reasonFinalCancel string
referralSource string
sfid string
id string opportunity sfid
estimatedAgentCommission number the possible commision the listing agent will make
estimatedAgent2AgentCommission number the possible commision the agent referring will make
communicationHistory string
setUponMLSSearch boolean
completedCMA boolean
agentologyAcceptReferTemplate boolean Nullable. True->then send in Accept/Refer. False->then send in Accept/Decline
leadsource string
affiliateAgent 003j000000WmXoRAAV
affiliateAgentUuid char 36
bestContactMethod string
agentEmail email
agentWebsite url
agentPhone string
acceptedDate date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
assignedAgentName string

* Referral Object - Agents Show

Property Type
city string
street string
state string
postalcode string
email email
firstname string
lastname string
phone phone
bathrooms integer
bedrooms integer
contactmethod string
buyerSeller string
channelwebsite string
charity string
status string
landingpage string
price string
reason string
timeframe string
hometype string
leadsource string
leadcomment string
a2aLeadtype string
affiliate string
dateSubmitted date
selectedAgent char 18
selectedAgentUuid char 36
timeFrame string
reasonUnqualified string
lastAction string
sfid char 18
id char 36

* Team Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
members * array –see. array of all the team members
data object object of list of all agents sfid and their opportunities

* Team Member Object - Agents Show

Property Type Description
id string used for reference in the data object below
sfid char 18 SalesForce Id
name string
firstname string
lastname string
email email

Back to top - Back to Agents

Update Info

Update Info

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
-F "first_name={string}"
-F "last_name={string}"
-F "website={url}"

Update Info, AgentHero Form Step 2

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "branch_of_military={string}" # AgentHero mandatory
-F "broker_name={string}"
-F "city={string}"
-F "company_name={string}"
-F "experience_years={integer}"
-F "leadingre={boolean}" # AgentHero mandatory
-F "license={string}"
-F "pcs={integer}" # AgentHero mandatory
-F "postalcode={string}"
-F "state={string}" #char 2
-F "street={string}"
-F "transactions={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
-F "username={email}"
-F "veteran_military_spouse={string}" # AgentHero mandatory
-F "website={url}"

Update Info, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME",
  "first_name" : "Niel",
  "last_name" : "Armstrong",
  "website" : ""

Update Info, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "user": {
      "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
      "first_name": "Avi",
      "last_name": "Tal",
      "email": "",
      "session_id": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

This method is also used on Register Form Step 2.

AgentHero - Register Form has more mandatory fields.

HTTP Request

POST agents/update

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
user_session string
change_password string new password
firstname string
lastname string
position string
street string
city string
state string
postalcode string
email email
other_email email
main_phone phone
mobile phone
fax phone
gender string
facebook_url url
twitter_url url
linkedin_url url
company_name string
broker_name string
license number
license_date date
experience_years number
transactions number
description string
service_area string
ss_experience string
expertise * –Picklist case sensitive
language * –Picklist case sensitive
certifications * –Picklist case sensitive
other_certifications string
associations * –Picklist case sensitive
other_associations string
agent_type * –Picklist case sensitive
referrals * –Picklist case sensitive
texting boolean
profile_image file upload an image
logo file upload an image
website url
newsletter boolean
zillow string
yelp string
mra boolean
youtube string
instagram url
tentativeClosing string
veteran_military_spouse string for AgentHero
branch_of_military string for AgentHero
pcs int for AgentHero
leadingre boolean for AgentHero
liveTransfer phone
calendlyLink url

Back to top

* Expertise Picklist

New Homes
First Time Homebuyers
Buyer Representative
Listing Expert
Short Sales
Luxury Properties
New Construction
1031 Tax Exchange
Investment Properties

* Language Picklist


* Certifications Picklist


* Associations Picklist


* Agent Type Picklist


* Referrals Picklist

Home Buyers
Home Sellers
Short Sales


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user * object contains general user info and authentication

* User Object - Update Info

Property Type Description
uuid string
first_name string
last_name string
email email
session_id string to be used for subsequent calls

Back to top - Back to Agents

Create Opportunity

This allows to create (refer) an opportunity without having to have the user logged in.

Create Opportunity

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "affiliateAgent={string}"
-F "patId={string}"
-F "firstName={string}"
-F "lastName={string}"

User Reset, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "affiliateAgent" : "144f06a4-225a-4411-8d41-c09d2c7227a2",
  "patId" : "88245f60-88ce-4f00-bfc8-c51f6a0c071f",
  "firstName" : "Buzz",
  "lastName" : "Aldrin"

User Reset, Response Object Example

    "response": {
        "success": true,
        "status_code": 200,
        "opportunity": {
            "stageName": "Open",
            "buyerSeller": null,
            "typeOfHome": null,
            "bedrooms": null,
            "bathrooms": null,
            "existingMortgageStatus": null,
            "timeframe": null,
            "currentStatus": "Agent Referred Opportunity",
            "mls": null,
            "purchasePrice": null,
            "closeOfEscrow": null,
            "salesPrice": null,
            "nextStatusUpdateDate": null,
            "currentStatusNote": null,
            "propertyStreet": null,
            "propertyCity": null,
            "propertyState": null,
            "propertyZip": null,
            "charity": null,
            "leadcomment": null,
            "priceRange": null,
            "phone": null,
            "oppemail": null,
            "reasonForBuyingSelling": null,
            "updateWithinDays": null,
            "firstName": "test",
            "lastName": "3",
            "agentContactID": null,
            "agentParseUID": null,
            "assignedDate": null,
            "referralFee": "35",
            "dateSubmitted": null,
            "affiliateOpportunity": null,
            "tentativeClosing": null,
            "affiliateAgent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
            "affiliateAgentUuid": null,
            "bestContactMethod": null,
            "agentEmail": null,
            "agentWebsite": null,
            "agentPhone": null,
            "assignedagent": null,
            "assignedagentuuid": null,
            "acceptedDate": null,
            "assignedAgentName": null,
            "reasonFinalCancel": null,
            "referralSource": null,
            "sfid": null,
            "id": "51ca9072-353c-4878-a57d-1245784fec25",
            "estimatedAgentCommission": null,
            "estimatedAgent2AgentCommission": null,
            "communicationHistory": null,
            "setUponMLSSearch": null,
            "completedCMA": null,
            "agentologyAcceptReferTemplate": null,
            "leadsource": "",
            "referralFeeIsZero": null,
            "channelwebsite": null,
            "sourceLeadUUID": null,
            "patId": "45ebfe89-3c20-4588-a838-855a625a1f23"

HTTP Request

POST user/opp

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
api_key string required
secret_key string required
affiliateAgent string uuid
patId string uuid
firstName string required
lastName string required
phone phone
email email
buyerSeller string
typeOfHome string
bedrooms integer
bathrooms integer
timeframe string
propertyStreet string
propertyCity string
propertyState string
propertyZip string
leadcomment string
priceRange string
channelwebsite url


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
opportunity object contains the opportunity object

List Opportunity Info

List Opportunity Info

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
"" #example oppId

List Opportunity Info, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

List Opportunity Info, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "user": {
      "uuid": "ad58f2207057",
      "email": "",
      "session_id": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"
    "opportunity": {
      "stageName": "Client",
      "firstName": "Bernie",
      "lastName": "Madrid",
      "buyerSeller": "Buyer",
      "typeOfHome": null,
      "bedrooms": null,
      "bathrooms": null,
      "existingMortgageStatus": null,
      "timeframe": "I'm not sure",
      "currentStatus": "I'm showing this Buyer properties",
      "mls": null,
      "purchasePrice": null,
      "closeOfEscrow": null,
      "salesPrice": null,
      "nextStatusUpdateDate": "2017-02-10",
      "currentStatusNote": "Test",
      "propertyStreet": null,
      "propertyCity": "Las Vegas",
      "propertyState": "Nevada",
      "propertyZip": null,
      "charity": null,
      "leadcomment": null,
      "priceRange": null,
      "phone": "6199293575",
      "oppemail": "",
      "reasonForBuyingSelling": null,
      "updateWithinDays": "30",
      "assignedagent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
      "assignedagentuuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
      "agentContactID": "003j000000WmXoR",
      "agentParseUID": "904082722",
      "assignedDate": "2017-01-03 00:26:40",
      "referralFee": "35",
      "dateSubmitted": "2017-01-03 00:01:22",
      "affiliateOpportunity": null,
      "tentativeClosing": null,
      "reasonFinalCancel": null,
      "referralSource": "successwebsite",
      "sfid": "006j000000WxX4XAAV",
      "id": "b1271414-d14a-11e6-bcd7-13c3a31637d5",
      "estimatedAgentCommission": "6000",
      "estimatedAgent2AgentCommission": "1500",
      "referralFeeQuickbooksLink": null,
      "communicationHistory": "I've had no communication with this client",
      "setUponMLSSearch": true,
      "completedCMA": false,
      "agentologyAcceptReferTemplate": null,
      "leadsource": "",
      "affiliateAgent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
      "affiliateAgentUuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b",
      "bestContactMethod": null,
      "agentEmail": "",
      "agentWebsite": "",
      "agentPhone": "(619) 829-8226",
      "acceptedDate": "2017-01-03 00:27:06",
      "assignedAgentName": "Avi Tal"

HTTP Request

POST agents/show/opp/:oppId

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
oppId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
user * object –see. contains general user info and authentication
opportunity * array –see. will return only one opportunity object // cannot be empty

* User Object - List Opportunity Info

Property Type Description
uuid string
email email
session_id string to be used for subsequent calls

* Opportunity Object - List Opportunity Info

Property Type Description
stageName string
firstName string
lastName string
buyerSeller string
typeOfHome string
bedrooms integer
bathrooms integer
existingMortgageStatus string
timeframe string
currentStatus string
mls string
purchasePrice string
closeOfEscrow string
salesPrice string
nextStatusUpdateDate date
currentStatusNote string
propertyStreet string
propertyCity string
propertyState string
propertyZip string
charity string
leadcomment string
priceRange string
phone phone
oppemail email
reasonForBuyingSelling string
updateWithinDays number
assignedagent string
assignedagentuuid string
agentContactID string sfid
agentParseUID string unique 12 digit public identifier
assignedDate date
referralFee number append percentage sign
dateSubmitted date
affiliateOpportunity number
tentativeClosing string
reasonFinalCancel string
referralSource string
sfid string
id string opportunity sfid
estimatedAgentCommission number the possible commision the listing agent will make
estimatedAgent2AgentCommission number the possible commision the agent referring will make
communicationHistory string
setUponMLSSearch boolean
completedCMA boolean
agentologyAcceptReferTemplate boolean Nullable. True->then send in Accept/Refer. False->then send in Accept/Decline
leadsource string
affiliateAgent 003j000000WmXoRAAV
affiliateAgentUuid char 36
bestContactMethod string
agentEmail email
agentWebsite url
agentPhone string
acceptedDate date format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
assignedAgentName string

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Update Opportunity Info

Update Opportunity Info

#Status call example --without changing the current status.

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
-F "currentStatus={string}" #picklist
-F "currentStatusNote={string}"
"" #example oppId

#Example: Status Change + Nurture update history note.

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
-F "currentStatus={string}" #picklist
-F "currentStatusNote={string}"
-F "stageName={string}"
-F "timeframe={string}"
-F "setUponMLSSearch={boolean}"
-F "communicationHistory={string}"
-F "completedCMA={boolean}"

Update Opportunity Info, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME",
  "currentStatus" : "I'm communicating with this Client",
  "currentStatusNote" : "Status Description"

Response Object: same as List Opportunity Info.

HTTP Request

POST agents/update/opp/:oppId

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
oppId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
salesPrice number
nextStatusUpdateDate date
closeOfEscrow date
purchasePrice number
tentativeClosing date
mls number nullable
currentStatusNote string limit 255 characters
currentStatus * Picklist: buyers - sellers case sensitive, picklist depends on the stage.
lenderStatusUpdate * –Picklist case sensitive // only for lender route
lenderStatusNote string limit 255 characters
stageName * –Picklist case sensitive
timeframe * –Picklist
setUponMLSSearch boolean
communicationHistory string
completedCMA boolean
assignedAgent string 18 character assigned agent (for teams)

Back to top

* Time Frame Picklist

Within 3 months
3-6 months
6 months or longer
I’m not sure

* Stage Name Picklist

In Escrow
Closed Escrow
No Longer Engaged

* Current Status Picklist for Buyers

Stage Status
Assigned Accepted: Trying to Reach Client
Assigned I am trying to reach this Client
Assigned 48 hours: I have not reached this Client
Prospect I’m communicating with this Client
Prospect I have an appointment to show this Buyer properties
Client I’m showing this Buyer properties
Client I have submitted an offer for this Buyer
Client I have an offer accepted (pending lender approval) for this Client
In Escrow I am in escrow with this Client
Closed Escrow Sold! I have closed escrow with this Client
No Longer Engaged Client has another agent
Nurture I’m nurturing this client (long term)
Nurture I’ve set this client up with an MLS search
No Longer Engaged Client is Unresponsive
No Longer Engaged I’m not able to attend to this Client
No Longer Engaged Other

* Current Status Picklist for Sellers

Stage Status
Assigned Accepted: Trying to Reach Client
Assigned I am trying to reach this Client
Assigned 48 hours: I have not reached this Client
Prospect I’m communicating with this Client
Prospect I have a listing appointment scheduled with this Seller
Listed I have signed a listing agreement with this Seller
Listed I have listed this Seller’s property
Listed I have an offer accepted (pending lender approval) for this Client
In Escrow I am in escrow with this Client
Closed Escrow Sold! I have closed escrow with this Client
No Longer Engaged Client has another agent
Nurture I’m nurturing this client (long term)
Nurture I’ve set this client up with an MLS search
No Longer Engaged Client is Unresponsive
No Longer Engaged I’m not able to attend to this Client
No Longer Engaged Other

Other SF statuses

Not Accepted
Agent Declined Opportunity
Final Cancel
Final Sold
Agent Referred Opportunity

* Lender Status Update Picklist

New Lead
Called: Left Message
Called: No Contact
Application Taken
Not Interested
Interested Follow Up
Bad Number

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Direct Update Opportunity info

Direct Update Opportunity info

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "feedback={string}" #optional
-F "currentStatusNote={string}" #optional
"" #example oppId

Direct Update Opportunity info, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "feedback" : "this is a feedback text."

Direct Update Opportunity info, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "opportunity": {
      "id": "f581793c-39d0-4e4a-8ab9-72be2db45ada"

HTTP Request

POST agents/update/direct/opp/:oppId

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
oppId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity

Request Parameters

Parameter Type
feedback string

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Opportunity Show Notes

Opportunity Show Notes

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
"" #example oppId

Opportunity Show Notes, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

Opportunity Show Notes, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "opportunity": [
        "id": "8bf528d2-a6db-11e6-84f1-28cfe91df45f",
        "sfid": "006j000000WH7H6AAL",
        "buyerSeller": "Buyer",
        "assignedagent": "003j000000WmXoRAAV",
        "assignedagentuuid": "b7b5322f-4bdc-4a09-8bf2-42c428b17e3b"
    "notes": [
        "id": "a0jj0000006MlHRAA0",
        "body": null,
        "date": "May 24, 2016",
        "title": "I'm communicating with this Client",
        "id": "a0jj0000006MlBmAAK",
        "body": "investor. says he has 200k in hand. never flipped a house before.\n\nnot a viable buyer. unrealistic expectations and not enough money to do waht he wants to do.",
        "date": "May 24, 2016",
        "title": "I'm not able to attend to this Client",
      {"note": "3"},{"note": "N"}

It returns empty opportunity array if the owner of the opp is not the requesting Agent.

HTTP Request

POST agents/show/opp/:oppId/notes

POST agents/delete/opp/:oppId/notes/:noteId --delete

POST agents/update/opp/:oppId/notes/:noteId --update

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
oppId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
opportunity * array –see. list of corresponding opp
notes * array –see. list of all the notes

* Opportunity Object - Opportunity Show Notes

Property Type
assignedagentuuid string
assignedagent string
buyerSeller string
sfid string
id string

* Note Object - Opportunity Show Notes

Property Type Description
id string unique identifier for the note
body string
date date
title string
stage string

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Lead Show Notes

Lead Show Notes

-F "api_key={string}"
-F "secret_key={string}"
-F "user_session={string}"
"" #example leadId

Lead Show Notes, Request Object Example

  "api_key" : "6f46b803be8ec56b3fe72e6e24d2f729f62dc83c",
  "secret_key" : "515492aa8f247e832b1736d51329cd785eae7f92",
  "user_session" : "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJiN2I1MzIyZi00YmRjLTRhMDktOGJmMi00MmM0MjhiMTdlM2IiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9hcGkuYWdlbnRvbG9neS5jb21cL2FwaVwvdjBcL2FnZW50c1wvYWNjZXNzIiwiaWF0IjoxNDc0NDcxMzIxLCJleHAiOjE0ODIzNTUzMjEsIm5iZiI6MTQ3NDQ3MTMyMSwianRpIjoiMjJjMzkzYWM2ZDYyOTQ0MTllMTE0OTI3NDNmNjIxNmQifQ.FlWI3qaU2FKo8UTICOM4XJhUcNVNtKt2LjcYr0m7_ME"

Lead Show Notes, Response Object Example

  "response": {
    "success": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "lead": [
        "id": "3227aa00-9142-44b5-8830-960f21a80072",
        "sfid": "00Qj000000PycofEAB",
        "buyerSeller": null,
        "selectedAgent": "003j000000WmToyAAF",
        "selectedAgentUuid": "40311f9e-c0c9-473d-8210-0236342f0851"
    "notes": [
        "id": "a2jj0000000FS6gAAG",
        "title": "Hot Prospect",
        "body": "Rang and rang, unable to leave VM, text sent",
        "date": "Sep 13, 2016",
        "status":"Hot Prospect"
        "id": "a2jj0000000FRROAA4",
        "title": "1st Attempt + Email",
        "body": "called customer no answer, sent email",
        "date": "Jan 3, 2017",
        "status":"Really Very Hot Prospect"
      {"note": "3"},{"note": "N"}

HTTP Request

POST agents/show/lead/:leadId/notes

URL Query String Parameters

Parameter Type Description
leadId Unique UUID v4 digit identifier for Opportunity


Property Type Description
response object contains response
success boolean result of the response
status_code integer result of the http code
lead * array –see. associated lead object
notes * array –see. list of all the notes

* Lead Object - Lead Show Notes

Property Type Description
id string unique identifier for the lead
sfid string
buyerSeller string
selectedAgent string
selectedAgentUuid string

* Note Object - Lead Show Notes

Property Type Description
id string unique identifier for the note
body string
date date
title string
status string

Back to top - Back to Agents


Error, Response Object Examples

  "response": {
    "success" : "false",
    "status_code" : 400,
    "error" : "This is an error message example."

  "response": {
    "body" : "Must Provide Credentials",
    "status_code" : 403,
    "success" : false
Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden – The action requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found – The specified could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed – You tried to access the API with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.



The initiative in an action.


Agent is assigned with a lead.


Re-assigned lead by an Agent.


Special program for Agents that served.